
5,600 Mega Hashes per Second on Home Ethereum mining! $13,000+ (CAD) a month income! ($10,000+ USD)

Going over my home cryptocurrency mining setup. Currently I am split between Raven and Ethereum. I am doing roughly 1,500 MH on Raven, and 2,600 MH on Ethereum. Roughly 16,000 watts right now, equal to ~11,700 kWh a month.

This is my full time occupation for right now, and I absolutely love it. I am growing my mine every chance that I get. This is bringing in about 1.5 Eth per month and 1,400 Raven per day. Cash value is roughly $13,000 Canadian as of today. Raven has taken a big hit in prices, recently raven was worth 30% more, so if these prices recover this mine will make significantly more than it currently does. I am still holding my Ravens until after the halving which will take place in early 2022.

Electricity costs are somewhere around $1,800 Canadian based on my rates. A big priority is to get my power costs lower, this will help if/when crypto prices take a dive.

Yes, the thumbnail is a picture of all my rigs mashed onto one tiny image. I may have forgotten a few, but I think I got most of them in there.

I have roughly 97 graphics cards in this farm as of October 2, 2021. The following cards are ones that I am currently running.
Nvidia GTX 1060, 1070, 1080, 1080ti, 1660 super, 2070 super, 3060, 3060ti, 3070, 3070ti, 3080, 3080ti and 3090. I have a good mix of full hash cards and LHR cards.

AMD RX 580, 5700xt, 6700xt.

I do not yet have any 6600xt, 6800, 6800xt or 6900xt cards but I would love to add some to the farm if I can find some reasonable prices on them. I see the odd 6600xt and 6700xt hit the secondary market for prices that I would consider these days, I have just not yet pulled the trigger.
Cryptocurrency Mining
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