
Banks are closing down - Why cryptocurrency is replacing all of them

#crypto #banksclosing #banks

Why are so many banks closing their doors and removing their ATMs? Put simply, digital transactions are here to stay and banks can make more money from pushing you into the digital banking sector. So now we must ask "Why do we need banks if we have crypto?"

Banks vs crypto. Crypto vs government. Cash vs Bitcoin.

Time stamps
1:00 The closure of banks
3:00 KPMG banking report
10:00 How will digital money work without banks
16:32 Bitcoin is a bank
17:00 USD is the money of criminals
17:11 How to launder money
18:00 We no longer need banks

Article link: https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/other-industries/devastating-decision-by-australias-big-four-banks-impacts-300-suburbs/news-story/e25dc588d9c96cd48abe18aab3b80f90

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