
Cathie Wood - My Updated View On The Crypto Market

Cathie Wood - My Updated View On The Crypto Market

In her 33-minute Big Ideas report, Cathie Wood of Arc Invest spoke at length about various topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, market signals, and innovation.

Wood was very clear about her stock picks being down 75% at one point, but she suggests that the reason behind this is because her firm is as close to venture capital firm in the public equity market as you can find. Meaning, in the short term, her stock picks are seen as “high risk” because she is early. But according to her 5-year time horizon, she will win out big.

Wood proclaims that innovation solves problems and we have a lot of problems to solve in the world right now, which is why she’s so bullish on her innovation platforms.

Wood considers that the geopolitical turmoil between Russia and Ukraine has escalated the timeline for these innovations to mature… and that consumers will eventually turn to innovation to combat everything that is coming; we are already seeing glimpses of this with Bitcoin donations to Ukraine and the Canadian Truckers.

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