
Day 2 of Blockchain | Run your First Decentralized Application on a Devnet

So it turns out - blockchain is actually pretty cool. I’m super excited to be partnering with Reach and Algorand to create a YouTube series that tackles how to create decentralized applications with blockchain technology.

In 10 Days of Blockchain, you’ll learn what a blockchain is, build a decentralized application, and deploy it to the Algorand blockchain.

With Day 2 specifically, we'll create our first decentralized application and run it on a private local devnet. Thank you for watching!

✅ NOTE: Reach documentation at the time of your viewing may be slightly different than when I recorded. When in doubt, follow the documentation, and if you have questions, connect with the Reach community in Discord. In this particular video, we use the deploy and attach functions to deploy the contract. These have been deprecated and later in the video, we replace these with the contract function.

⛓ Discord Community!
Reach HQ: https://discord.gg/reachsh
Got a question? Ask it here: https://discord.com/channels/628402598663290882/912484855789518848

⛓ More about Reach!
Website: http://reach.sh
Links: https://reach.crd.co/
Documentation: https://docs.reach.sh
Questions & Support: [email protected]

⛓ More about Algorand!
Website: https://www.algorand.com/

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