
Earn TRX Free in 2022| New TRON Mining Site | Full Review

Link website: https://www.hivetrx.com/#/pages/user/login?m=reg&pid=252678

honeycomb online customer service: @hivetrx
Company White Paper:https://www.hivetrx.com/data/HIVETRX_MINING.pdf

1. There are three ways to obtain team funds: first-level users get 15% of the team's income and effective recharge, second-level users get 5% of the second-level user's effective recharge, and third-level users can get 10% of the team's income by registering and recharging.10% 5%2%.
2. Withdrawal ratio
- Deposit 5.00 --- 99999.99TRX, withdraw daily2.88%
- Deposit 100000.00 - 499999.99TRX, withdraw daily3.88%
- Deposit 500000.00 - 999999.99TRX, withdraw daily5.88%
- Deposit 1000000.00 - 4999999.99TRX, withdraw daily7.88%
- Deposit 5000000.00 - 10000000.99TRX, withdraw daily9.88%
Cryptocurrency Mining
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