
Ethereum Mining Pools | 2022/05/01 Update

Not All Ethereum Pools Are Created Equal

This Video Can Result In You Making More Money...

I Compare 10 Ethereum pools every day, and I find the one that pays the most

In this video we look at the results I got after comparing the ETHEREUM POOLS for maximum ETH

The 7 biggest Ethereum mining pools and 3 popular pools. We are looking at the past 150 days, 135 days, 120 days, 105 days, 90 days, 75 days, 60 days, 45 days, 30 days, 15 days, 7 days, 3 days and yesterday.
I found the ones that pay you the most for pointing your graphics cards to their pool to solve the blocks.
I have made this a regular daily video so you stay up to date.
Here is the list in no particular order of the 10 Ethereum mining pools I compared and the results were interesting.
2miners ,F2pool, Flexpool, Ethermine, Nanopool, Mining pool hub, Hiveon, Crazy Pool, Zet & Cruxpool

0:00 Intro
0:10 Looking at the Top 10 ETHEREUM mining Pools

If you look at the data you can do specific comparisons
flexpool vs ethermine
flexpool vs hiveon
ethermine vs 2miners
hiveon pool vs ethermine
Zet vs Nanopool
2miners vs f2pool

Cryptocurrency Mining
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