
Ethereum WARNING!!! Big Sell-Off Or Massive PUMP - Raoul Pal | Bitcoin & ETH Prediction

Ethereum WARNING!!! Big Sell-Off Or Massive PUMP - Raoul Pal | Bitcoin & ETH Prediction

In this video, Raoul Pal discuss how his thesis has evolved since he began his Adventures in Crypto. Pal touch on everything from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Luna to just what the hell is going on with NFTs and the Metaverse. This is what Adventures in Crypto has, in part, been leading up to — Pal taking everything he's learned over the last two or so months and giving you, the audience, the straight analysis on just where he thinks everything is going.

#raoulpal #crypto #simplifiedfinance
CREDITS (Full Interview):
Raoul Pal's Macro-Crypto Perspective

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