
Growing the Ethereum Mining Farm ( $80/day : 960 MH/s)

Hi guys! Today I'm adding a few more graphics cards to my mining rigs, and giving you guys a quick update on the best mining motherboard for Ethereum.

I make zero money for the links to the parts used for my mining rigs (zero affiliate links, zero ad revenue). The only reason why I'm linking my supplier is so I can help you guys grow your sources of passive income like me!

B250 Mining motherboard: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003323707819.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.52c04c4drot5um

Intel i5-6500: https://www.acsofmiami.com/detail.aspx?pn=SR2L8
Cryptocurrency Mining
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