
How to transfer your Crypto from Binance to MoMo wallet

This video will teach you how to transfer your crypto assets to your momo account.
#BinancetoMoMo #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoins #techintwi

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Sell cryptocurrencies on the Binance P2P platform, instantly and securely!
Step 1
Go to the (1) [Wallets] tab, tap (2) [Funding], then (3) [Transfer] the crypto that you want to sell to your Funding Wallet. If you already have the crypto in the Funding wallet, go to the homepage and tap “P2P Trading” to enter the trading page.
Step 2
Tap “P2P Trading” on the app homepage. Tap “Sell” on the top of the P2P trading page, select a coin (taking USDT as an example here), then select an advertisement and tap the [Sell] button.
Step 3
(1) Enter the quantity you want to sell, (2) select a payment method, then tap (3) [Sell USDT] to place an order.
Step 4
The transaction will now display “Pending Payment”. After the buyer makes payment, the transaction will then display “Confirm Receipt”. Please make sure that you’ve actually received payment from the buyer, to the payment app/method you selected. After you confirm the receipt of money from the buyer, tap [Payment received] and [Confirm] to release the crypto to the buyer’s account. Again, If you have not received any money, please do not release crypto to avoid any financial losses.
If you have any issues in the transaction process, you can contact the buyer using the chat window on the top right of the page, or you can tap [Appeal], and our customer service team will assist you in processing the order.
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