
Investment Crash Course: Stocks, crypto, inflation. Something for wherever you're at in your journey

This week i talk to Phillip Washing Jr the Chief Investment Officer (and owner) of Stone Hill Wealth Management & host of one of the top investing podcasts "Wealth Building Made Simple". If you want to stat investing or just wants to add some more tools to your portfolio this is the episode for you.
Podcast- http://askphillip.phillipwashingtonjr.com/
His IG- https://www.instagram.com/askphillip/

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Email: [email protected]
Home Buyer Education Courses- https://coinsnculture.gumroad.com/l/rHHKs
Credit Course- https://coinsnculture.gumroad.com/l/yfZAqW
IG- https://www.instagram.com/coinsnculture/
Merch- https://houserichbrand.myshopify.com/
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