
"Total System COLLAPSE is IMMINENT" | Greg Foss Bitcoin Interview

"Total System COLLAPSE is IMMINENT" | Greg Foss Bitcoin Interview
Bitcoin News Crypto News

in this video, Greg Foss talks about the banking contagion that can take the whole financial system to collapse. As the entire bond market crashes, bonds now become risk assets turning Bitcoin into the perfect store of value hedge against default.

Greg Foss is a bond and credit expert and a self-proclaimed Bitcoin enthusiast and realist. He has spent 32 years in high-yield credit trading and analysis as a Managing partner of Credit Strategies at a successful hedge fund team during the great financial crisis in 2008/09He was a founding shareholder at 3IQ, one of Canada’s largest digital asset managers and is currently CFO and Bitcoin strategist at Validus Power Corp in Toronto.

If you like Greg Foss' view on all the bitcoin news today, please give it a thumbs up and comment below.

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