
Web Aplication NFTs Minting Service | Dapp NFTs

Creation of a contract in Solidity to interact with a web application to mint NFTs and have them go to a collection in Opensea, with all its features: hidden image, reveal NFT, mint, withdraw, split payments, etc. Also a .json file generator system to upload them to nft storage, pinata, etc. Registration of purchases of NFTs, and all kinds of reports. Custom design on the frontend. It should be noted that everything is developed, it would only be to design the frontend


1.-Connection to metamask
2.- Mint service engine
3.- Max supply
4.- Max mint per user
5.- custom contract in solidity
6.- With draw balance
7.- Split With draw balance
8.- Personalized design for the Application
9.- Registration of purchases
10.- Report of purchases and profits
11.- Report of registered users
12.- NFTs mint on Opensea

MOST IMPORTANT: No third party service is used, it is pure code developed by Ajamba.org

The application is modifiable to suit the client and their requirements.

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